Ancient Souls of Valor Part The Second

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Ancient Souls of Valor Part The Second

Post by Dain » Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:01 pm

Now starting a new guild was not an easy thing to do. There were so many things to think about. Like what should be their aims, who should they recruit; if indeed they could get anyone at all, what rules should there be and so on and so on. It was a long hard road they travelled but slowly the difficulties were overcome and the guild started to prosper. The aims were simple.
“To help those in need of aid be they good or evil in class or race
To help those less fortunate than ourselves, and treat all equally and with respect.
To rescue them in times of danger if within our means and limitations.
To be merciful and have compassion towards all.
To uphold by word and deed the honor of our guild.”
So leading by example River Fox and Joram attracted to themselves other people of like minded thinking and soon the name of Ancient Souls of Valor was renowned throughout the land. Great deeds of daring-do where carried out by them and a guild house was established. Here could be found Salanch: Beacon of Righteous; Gaaraghth: Gods Wrath is HELL, Kimbra, Sam Drucker: Master mage Crafter, Eoluis: The inventor, Caz Jess: Soulless Husk, Geyanna Jess: Soul Destroyer. Zoorm Duke, Pandora: Soul Stealer, Ozmigog: Soul Protector, Aeneas: Black Soul Knight, Kromolech: Rightous Soul to name but a few. All these names have past into legend and folk stories and the Bards still sing of their deeds in great halls on the long winter nights. This was the golden time of the Guild.

Then disaster struck, River Fox was stuck down by a mysterious illness that none could cure and took to his bed. Slowly his strength drained away from him but none could find out why. In spite of this he remained his happy self and did no complain at all.
Then one day he called Joram to his bedside.
“Old friend I make a journey that none can come with me, for I must travel it alone. What lays a head I know not but the time has come for me to find out. To you I leave the guild may it last long and prosper for I leave it in safe hands and so farewell till we meet again in another place.”
Thus saying he turned his face to the wall and his soul departed from him.

Now Joram was grief stricken at the loss of his friend and wandered off into the wilderness not caring about anything and without a guiding hand he guild slowly drifted apart till it was but a memory.

Dain Eastfall

Part the third "The Guild reborn" to follow

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