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Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 7:59 pm
by Zarben Phonos
I found a pair of indy armslore boots today and was excited to wear them but then I realized I had Indy boots of wrestling equipped. Me being a dummy I forgot what exactly wrestling affects and so to the wiki I went and the amount of confusion I have increased the deeper I looked. Quotes below will straight from the wiki. I apologize in advance for the lengthy post.
Wrestling: Default damage is 1-8 (which is modified by tactics), speed is 1 attack per 1.5 seconds. Wrestling is also used by many of the special abilities.
1) Does a higher wrestling change the default damage? I assume so because under monk abilities on the wiki it states
The higher your wrestling, the more damage you will do
but is this damage increase exclusive to only monk abilities?
2) Tactics modifies wrestling damage but does it all stack together?
3) Does wrestling affect attack speed? If so is it for every weapon type in the game? I know dexterity can help in your ability to swing faster and imbuing can.

Which brings me to Tactics page:
Tactics: Tactics determines the amount of damage you are able to inflict with each strike. Weapon skills determine the chance to strike the target whereas tactics and anatomy are used to determine damage done to the target.
This does not mention anything about wrestling but right now the way I'm figuring total damage output somehow is done with wrestling+tactics+anatomy. I obviously don't know any formulas as there are plenty of variables but somehow these 3 skills help determine damage so far.

Wanting to understand how anatomy plays a role I took a look there.
Anatomy: Anatomy has two functions: a complimentary skill to healing and determining your critical chance to hit.

In addition to complimenting healing, anatomy also determines your chance to critical hit your opponent. For more on that, check the chance to hit under combat skills.
Simple enough to understand but what are my chances of a critical hit? Under the combat skills this is what it says:
Critical Hits: Your total skill determines if you roll a critical hit.
That is the only indication we are given of what I assume anatomy increases your crit chance. Which is not very helpful.
(The old website nuts and bolts on combat actually had the information I was looking for ... ombat.html)

Looking further into the combat page of the wiki raised even more questions as I play an assassin and a crusader. First I will start with assassins
Knifed in the back: Rogues and Assassins get a weapon damage bonus if they are standing behind their opponent equal to the weapon's damage bonus they are holding.
Class Bonuses: Paladins, Fighters, Knights, Clerics, Priests, Rogues and Assassins get up to a 25% damage bonus.
Assassins get a +3 bonus to their poison level.
Hit Chance: Assassins and Fighters get a 10% increase. Rangers get a 15% increase.
How of much is that accurate? I can confirm I don't have a +3 bonus to my poison skill unless it's an unseen bonus (looking at you scrolls of power unless they now reflect bonuses in .status).
If there is a 25% bonus damage for said races how is that determined in the damage ratio? Weapon stats? Skills stats? Both?

And for crusaders and more melee players I see:
Armor Absorption
Melee classes get a increased bonus in the amount of damage absorbed by their armor: fighters, knights and crusaders take a 45% reduction, paladins take a 30% reduction and clerics and priests take a 20% reduction.
I haven't personally tested this enough to tell if there is a 45% damage reduction but if any player has any better insight please let me know if i can't get anyone to whack me in time to make an edit. Is there any way we can get just raw formulas, even if they have to be in pseudo code format, listed on the wiki so people can properly digest how these mechanics work together and/or plan out how to get better at the game without 1000 hours of trial and error with random dice rolls hoping to notice a difference on average over time? Hiding the information doesn't make the game more difficult, it just shields the information from being properly utilized. It's convoluted and disheartening rather than encouraging and informative.

Re: Damage/skills/stats

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:47 am
by Shirousa
I am glad you've opened a discussion about this, I felt the same way. I have found myself pondering about the order of operations when it comes to skills and calculating damage output.
Swords/Mace/Fence - determines accuracy
Tactics - determines chance of getting a glancing hit (45% dmg) or good hit (100% dmg)
Anatomy - reduces bandage timer cooldown. Anatomy/10 is your % chance of getting a critical hit (125% dmg), but it only applies to "good hits" from tactics
ArmsLore - 60-79? = +1 damage, 80-94? = +2 damage, 95-99? = +3 damage, 100+ = +(ArmsLore-60)/5 damage. (my cutoff numbers for +1,+2,+3 might be wrong)
Super endgame content will never let you get a "good hit",(most endgame content has a tactics over 200) so you also can't get a "critical hit"
Like, does ArmsLore +8 damage or whatever apply before or after tactics cuts your damage to 45%?
My best estimate is Armslore is one of the first things calculated because, we would do more damage if it was factored in later. I think tactics is taken into consideration somewhere in the middle then anatomy is one of the last things because the critical hit rate would possibly be lower. Also where is weapon damage + elemental damage + destruction/godly itembonus damage + armslore damage + factored in? Does elemental damage count itembonus and armslore damage?

But, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? The world may never know. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.