The Order of the White Lotus is an ancient and formally secret society that transcends the boundaries of all nations, seeking philosophy, beauty, and truth. We are devoted to the sharing of ancient knowledge across national and political divides.
Alignment: Neutral
Class Recommendation: Monk
*But not restricted to
In the Order of the White Lotus we take pride in understanding that to be a Monk is a way of life. It is not solely based on ones specific class. We encourage all walks of life to join us in our sharing of knowledge.
RP: Encouraged
--------------------*Guild Titles*--------------------
1. Monk -A beginning member in the Order of the White Lotus. A monk must keep their head and face completely shaved while wearing this title.
2. Free Thinker - One who rejects accepted opinions and is ready to begin advancing in the ranks of membership. You understand that this is not a guild to be greedy, jealous, rude, or in any way impolite to another member or being in this world. (We are a peaceful group and hold the right to remove you from the order if we feel you have failed to make an effort to follow our guidelines. YOU let us know when you are willing to take this step in becoming a Free Thinker. (We ask that female hair be kept short while in this rank and males to remain bald - short facial hair is OKAY)
3. Guru - You have proven yourself as a influential member of the White Lotus and have begun teaching others what you know. (MEDIUM hair and MEDIUM facial hair acceptable. Males are required to remain BALD)
4. Lama -The highest honorific title presented to those who show extraordinary effort. (LONG hair and facial hair acceptable. Males are required to remain BALD.)
--------------------*Special Titles*--------------------
-Zenji is a title given to those who have demonstrated very strong RP capabilities and are inspiring members of the guild.
-The Sensei title is given to those who have demonstrated strong skills in martial arts ( PvP ) and encourages those to practice, grow, and teach their art form.
-Roshi is given to those who have demonstrated strong skills in PvM showing effort to host group hunts, events, and guild events, be it with guild members or society members.
The title "Lotus" symbolizes the purity of the mind, body, and spirit. This title is given to those who have shown the mind body connection and have proven to be well versed in that of the Zenji (RP), Sensei (PvP) and Roshi (PvM) styles.
*Special titles are granted complete hair freedom.
---------------------*Unique Paths*------------------------
Additional titles, ranks, and unique titles may be added upon request and guild discussion. We support those who seek to grow in a different direction and will grant them the appropriate title.
**Elder Lotus**
-An Elder Lotus is one of the founders of the Order of the White Lotus. They are skilled in all previous honorary titles and will determine who moves up in the ranks. To make advancements or apply for special titles simply contact an Elder Lotus. You will be tested and your advancement will be put to a vote by the Elders. This information will be passed to the Grand Lotus who will then grant you the appropriate title.
As the guild grows Elder Lotus positions will become available and will always be kept at an odd number to prevent tie votes. (We are currently seeking an Elder Lotus so apply now!)
**Grand Lotus**
Guild Master Osho
----- Other Information -----
We encourage all members to wear a monk robe. If you can not afford one, all group hunting gold will go towards new members robes.
----- Colors ------
Our robe dye is obtained from six kinds of substances. Roots and tubers, plants, bark, leaves, flowers and fruit. These items are boiled down in water for many days to acquire the proper dye. We do not use chemical dyes. As a result it is expected that all members wear a form of brown, maroon, orange, or green shade. (If you are unsure just ask. If you can explain how it was made naturally we will most likely accept it).
When a guild color becomes available we will all decide together.
**Our guild is currently in a building stage. We are likely to make changes within the guild to better our members experience. We ask that you please submit any ideas you may have to help us grow. Positive and negative feedback always welcome.**
More info coming soon.
Be well friends.