-The Iron Lords-
True strength is in the crafted blade...real skill is in the warrior...
Leave your magics behind...they are of no use to you. Shatter your mirrors...they reflect only an illusion.
An Iron Lord is a skill based player...We do not use magics, magic mirrors or petty buffs. Rely on
your knowledge and that of your guild mates to be successful. Finding true skill, teamwork, balance
and a new challenge. Seek only to be stronger as a unit and strength of your own will follow.
You will quickly find that when leaving magic behind each unique class has a new found purpose.
Who are you in the face of the Gods? A Warrior?...or an Impostor?
Only the best will prove themselves worthy to stand with the Iron Lords.
If interested in joining, contact a member of [Iron] or post on the forums.
Moderators: Buri, Lady Skadi, Lord Odin, Tack, hugin, Ve, Valhalla Staff, Mimir, Magni
- Posts: 30
- Joined: Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:38 pm
Re: [Iron]
Cool idea. It would definitely take a group. Can you elaborate on what constitutes a "magic" and what constitutes a "petty buff?" Are things like potions, wands, masterwork items, or elemental arrows considered magical? Can a mage only use attack based spells or perhaps mages are considered outcast? Is it an RP concept, purely a game style concept, or a combination of both?
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Sun Mar 05, 2017 4:47 pm
Re: [Iron]
Hey, good questions...as far as buffs go, any player made buff or class specific buff is acceptable...i.e. spells (any classes buff spell) ,wands, potions, special abilities. Ones that aren't acceptable are Magic mirrors, dungeon maps, bounty hunter buff and gods idols to name a few.
When i say leave your magics behind, that mostly means magic gear....armor, weapons, clothing...We only wear crafted armor/weapons/clothing, preferably just up to exceptional gear, but if you really wanted MP's that would be fine (mostly if you wanted a special name or something for RP purposes)...crafted jewelry is allowed, relics are allowed. Elemental damage on weapons is not allowed...however if you already have internal resistances/damages, and Harrower book's bonuses, these are acceptable.
It's more of a game style concept, myself and a few others feel that the game is more fun in that it's more challenging, rewarding and makes it more balanced.
hopefully i have answered all of your questions. If theirs anything else you'd like to know...or for me to further explain, just ask.
When i say leave your magics behind, that mostly means magic gear....armor, weapons, clothing...We only wear crafted armor/weapons/clothing, preferably just up to exceptional gear, but if you really wanted MP's that would be fine (mostly if you wanted a special name or something for RP purposes)...crafted jewelry is allowed, relics are allowed. Elemental damage on weapons is not allowed...however if you already have internal resistances/damages, and Harrower book's bonuses, these are acceptable.
It's more of a game style concept, myself and a few others feel that the game is more fun in that it's more challenging, rewarding and makes it more balanced.
hopefully i have answered all of your questions. If theirs anything else you'd like to know...or for me to further explain, just ask.
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