The old dwarf sighed as he rubbed his eyes that had become sore from working in the flickering candlelight. The task he had set himself was not an easy one but one that needed to be done. Yes there were myths and legends about the guild he was in but no written history about it, well this would change that. To be sure it was just a plain scroll, not fit for a high lords table, but it wasn’t really for them it was for the ordinary people of Valhalla written in their language so that they could understand. Well maybe it was a little blunt in places but he was a dwarf and this was the way he saw it. Let the bards and clerics weave their clever words around it if they wanted to but facts are facts and he dealt in facts or a close to them as he could get. He picked up the scroll and began to read.
“A History of the Ancient souls of Valor” no that was wrong it wasn’t “A History” it was “The History” that was better. A swift change with knife and quill and that was done.
“The History of the Ancient Souls of Valor by Dain of Eastfall”
Long ago in the mists of time and folklore there lived an eleven archer and ranger named River Fox. Now River Fox was one of a kind, life had not been kind to him but he made no complaints about that, indeed he was a happy soul with a kind word for everyone he met and his “Hi Yo” greeting was known throughout the land. Happiness seemed to radiate all around him and he was only to willing to help anyone he could. But he was a troubled soul in some ways there were those he could not help, being just one person. So one day gaming with his friend Joram he came up with an idea.
“What say you Joram to the forming of a guild to help those in need of aid be they good or evil?”
“Say on River and what would be the aims of such a guild?”
“To help those less fortunate than ourselves, rescue them in times of danger and treat all equally. Be merciful and have compassion towards all.” River replied.
“Those are high aims indeed. Can it be done?”
River laughed, “We will never know unless we try old friend. Now let us see we will need people of valor for they will no not what they face but must not let that concern them, and a title “Ancient Souls of Valor” would suit very well. Let us make a start a least.”
And so it was on that day the guild came into being
Dain Eastfall
Ancient Souls of Valor Part the First
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- Dain
- Posts: 47
- Joined: Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:58 am
- Location: London UK
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