Time past and Joram still wandered alone in the wilderness caring about nothing for great was his grief. Unwashed, unshaven and with his clothes in tatters the once great Battle Mage looked now more like an animal than a human being yet deep within him he still had the power, for nothing could remove that. Then one night in a fretful sleep he had a dream and in that dream River Fox appeared to him and spoke
“Hi Yo Old friend the time has come for you to stop your grieving and keep your promise to me. Our guild is scattered to the winds and Valhalla has need of it once again. Seek out those that can help you as in days of old for some still remain. Recruit new blood for within then lays the hero’s of the future although they may be weak at the time of joining.
There maybe many pitfalls ahead and some of those you recruit will leave the guild but never give up. Seek out and find Dain and Maranda, who are but newly arrived in the land, for they will help you in this task. Rebuild our guild to its former glory so that its name once more shall ring throughout the land. Do this for me and my name and dream will never be forgotten while Valhalla endures and now my old friend I must leave you for many adventures beckon me onward.”
Joram awoke with a start “River Fox! “ He cried out but it was too late and the dream had ended. There was no more sleep that night as he thought upon the words River Fox had spoken. Yes he had promised to be Guild Master and that duty he had neglected well it was time to put that right. After a hurried breakfast he drew up his power and cast a portal to the guildhall and stepped in.
Well it looked the same on the outside but inside it was a mess, thick dust and cobwebs everywhere, mice and roaches scuttled about in the kitchen but all of this was secondary the main things were still intact. Searching through chests he found a change of clothing and with a quick wash and a shave he felt a new man. Now was the time to get started. There were people to find, new people to recruit and it was not going to be easy but he would try his best. Thus it was that the long uphill climb started.
Here the old dwarf stopped that brought it up to date and it was time for bed.
Authors Comments:-
So there you have it “The History of Ancient Souls of Valor” to date. If you’re an old member and name was not motioned then I will gladly add it.
What is the state of play now? I hear you ask. Well the guild is alive and strong once again and in the process of rebuilding. We have old player returning and new players becoming stronger by the minute. Yes we have had some failures and dramas but we are overcoming them so it’s “onward and upwards”
Thank you for reading mu pathetic scribbling. Live long and prosper.
Ancient souls of Valor Part the Third
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