Christmas time is upon us and there are Christmas events galore! Find the Phony Santas, Grinches and Evil Winter Wizards scattered across the lands to collect their seasonal tokens. Each person at the end of the week who has the highest total wins a special prize while others who participate will have to make do with their consolation prizes.
Next up is the Christmas Hunting area – test your skill against some of the most infamous figures from Christmas, take their Christmas tickets from their loot and trade them in for special Christmas decorations!
Make sure you take on Jack Frost in the special GM-sponsored weekend raids to loot his special items.
Finally, make sure you have your tree up for Christmas Day so Odin Claus can see it and place a special present under your tree! Trees will be available from a special vendor at Asgard.
Pst… make sure you check out the gift boxes scattered around… you never know what you’ll find in one!