Valhalla Lost 17th Anniversary

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The Dragon of Valhalla by Lord Odin’s Grandson

It’s hard to believe Valhalla Lost is now old enough to drive a car and is getting close to voting age! Many young players who started here are now returning with their own kids.
Above is a picture drawn by Lord Odin’s grandson to commemorate the anniversary. Looks like Volund will soon have some competition (he drew the splash page on the client)!

Here’s to another year of great adventures!

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Happy Halloween 2017

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Winner of the Scary Story Contest is Odeth BuisyBeard.

It seemed like any other day in Valhalla.  Birds were singing at the town square.  Merchants were hustling and bustling.  And thieves were, well of course, thieving.  I had decided to take a stroll to the garden just outside the city walls.  It was a place for great tale telling, gossip and the usual banter.  After wasting near half the day sifting through all the leg pulling and witty remarks being thrown about, I realized I had better stop stalling before I ended up with nothing in hand for dinner.  As I strolled down the path north from town, I had noticed a strange portal out of the corner of my eye.  Could it lead to another realm perhaps?  Possibly leading to better hunting grounds?  The sounds and smell as I approached would reveal otherwise.  I proceeded to step into the portal because, well,  who would pass on a story like that!  Adventure and fame, or certain doom.  I would prefer the former (who wouldn’t – Ed).  Upon entering, I had stepped into a thick and eerie mist that seemed to linger just above the ground.

What does Odeth find in the portal?  Will it be fame and fortune (isn’t it always?).  Find out in-game!

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Easter, 2016

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The Easter Dungeon is open and has already taken its first [dozen] victims!  Find tickets and trade them outside the dungeon for special Easter prizes.  Did I mention the bunnies have great magic drop rates!  The dungeon closes on April 4th.


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